The Health Formula’s Blog

Inflammation And Your Immune System

The word inflammation comes from the Latin inflammare, to set on fire. In the context of our immune system, heat, redness, pain and swelling form as a reaction to either injury, or a perceived threat in the body. If you've ever hit your thumb with a hammer, you can...

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Essential Oils And Gut Health

We typically think of using essential oils for their marvelous fragrance, or as a spa treatment. They do these jobs wonderfully well, but plant essences have also been used as medicine for thousands of years. First, it's important to distinguish between essential oils...

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How To Create The Best Digestive Health For Your Baby

Naturally, you want to give your baby every feasible chance of the best possible life and health. Ideally, you should resolve your own health issues - including gut health - before getting pregnant. This gives your baby many advantages, some of which last a lifetime. ...

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One Amazing Way To Help Digestive Problems: Enzymes

Your body is designed to digest the food you eat. It creates hydrochloric acid along with various enzymes for just that purpose. So why might you consider taking them as a supplement? Well if you seem to get gas no matter you eat, you often suffer from heartburn or...

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